Dealing with Wildlife

Wildlife Concerns

In the Province of Alberta you may legally trap pest animals such as skunks, gophers, magpies, porcupines and squirrels on your own property.  Alberta Animal Services does not offer wildlife trap rental services.

Citizens are encouraged to seek help of a privately operated wildlife or pest control agency, Medicine River Wildlife Centre (403-728-3467) or modify their property to deter wildlife.  Those that capture wildlife accept the responsibility of ensuring the animals are humanely treated.

To report a wildlife incident please contact Alberta Fish and Wildlife at 403-340-5142. Fish and Wildlife often refer injured or orphaned animals to the Medicine River Wildlife Centre for rehabilitation. If your call falls outside of office hours, please call Report a Poacher at 1-800-642-3800. The RAP line is available 24 hours a day and is toll-free across North America.


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